Jewish Climate Network

place Melbourne, Australia


Saved on 4 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


To harness the capabilities and creativity of the Australian Jewish community to accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions world.

What We Do

A wide range of activities including:

1. High-impact "Climate Conversations" hosted in community members' homes and delivered by JCN facilitators. These conversations generate awareness, understanding, and avenues for action at the individual and system level.

2. Implementing community-wide campaigns that align with key Jewish festivals throughout the year, with the aim of creating mainstream understanding of the climate crisis, as well as enhancing the meaning and richness of those festivals

3. Engaging with investors, philanthropists, politicians, thought leaders to leverage their unique capacities to push for ambitious action in response to climate change.

4. Developing relationships with key community institutions (e.g. aged care facilities, synagogues, schools etc.) to support them to transition to "zero emissions", for example by installing solar panels, reviewing their emissions profile etc.


Elinor H
Elinor H.
Programs and Communications Coordinator
Josh B
Josh B.
Campaigns Lead